The Majik is in the Alloy

Look at your computer; it has some steel, silicon boards, solder and lots of plastic.

Let’s take them one-at-a-time. Steel is iron that carbon has been added to. Yes, there are many types of steel; tungsten, vanadium, stainless (chromium), molybdenum and more. When we add additional elements into the mix, we get different properties.

Steel in the latest in a long line of alloy developments; first we had stone and then flint knappers, then copper, then bronze (our first real alloy), then brass, then iron, then steel, then aluminum, then solder, then silicon, then plastic and a future with more to come.

Wait a second, plastic is not a metal. True, but it is a complex mix of elements with many different properties which we not able to figure out until we started mixing complex metallic alloys; in a sense, it is still an alloy.

My point here is that when we mix different elements together in very specific ways and amounts, a new substance is made with many wonderful new properties. The Majik is in the alloy.

Of course, when I refer to Majik, I am talking about technology. Our world is only possible because Tesla showed us how to harness electricity which makes all of the metals and plastics and concrete that we take for granted.

On this site, I describe several new alloys that do new and wonderful things. Just think of all of the new and wonderful things steel and aluminum have done for us. What about plastic and concrete? What about Silicon?

All I am asking is to withhold judgement on what different mixes of elements may bring. If we have a metal that gets hot when current is run through it (copper), it is not reasonable to make a metal that get cold when current is run through it? If we can make electrical coils by wrapping copper wire, is there not a new, different, maybe better, way to make those coils? Many of us know about rare Earth magnets; is it not possible to make a non-ferrous (no iron) super magnet? How about a superconducting alloy that operates at room temperature (72 degrees F)? I know, not possible.

The alloy on this site that excites me the most is the Blue Rod metal; it is cheap, effective anti-gravity without having to expend a lot of electrical power. It is an alloy that generates an anti-gravitational field and anything touching it become weightless.

The next alloy that excites me is what I call MetalliGlass. I get it, it is glass (Silicon) mixed with a metal (Tungsten) to get an alloy that is lighter than aluminum, stronger than steel and does not rust or corrode in fresh or salt water. Wait a second, you mean you can drop the glass and it will not shatter? No, it is like dropping something made from steel, it will bend before it breaks. And yes, it can be molded, drawn into wire, welded, sanded/ground and, yes, it can be transparent like glass. No, it is not magnetic, but can be layered with magnetic metals or plastic (like your windshield).

The other aspect of the new Majik coming into the world is the use of electrical fields to do new and wonderful things. Some are using new alloys, but some will use our existing metals and plastics and concrete. More on fields in a new post.


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