Moving to 3D Computing

Essentially, all of our computing is based on binary code; one’s and zero’s. Whether you call them bits or bytes, everything is processed, stored and displayed as two-dimensional strings of data (bits/bytes).  Further, all encryption is also based on two-dimensional numbers, letters (Upper and Lower Case) and special characters (many of which as used differently in different operating systems).

There is something called vector processing that allows programs to begin to use the Z-Axis.

Here’s the thing; if you talk to a Physicist, they might tell you that there are eight different states of electrons in any  atom; even hydrogen. What are those states?  Two of them have zero  angular movement; they are static or “neutral.” That leaves three more pairs or six electrons that can all have different angular movements; up or down, to the left, or to the right. These three pairs represent the X-, Y- and Z-Axises.  These are the Vector Electrons. There is also the fact that each of these three pairs can be orbiting the nucleus of the atom in either the clockwise or counter-clockwise manner.

So… Why do we not have code that can run on a binary computer that will address all of these different states of electrons? What if, we can use outside force (Direct Current Electricity) to make different pairings of the four (4) pairs and/or the eight (8) individual electrons.  

At a minimum, we can take a “neutral” electron and pair it up with any of the other six vector electrons to create a specific type of data storage. What happens when we add the second “neutral” electron into the mix? Does it read, write, or, perhaps, delete.  The same would apply to mixing and matching the six vector electrons with each other. Using this outside force, we can spin them up or down, or to the right or left. Maybe, we can encapsulate them and spin them to the right or left, when they are already spinning up or down. Maybe, we can encapsulate a “neutral” electron and spin it as well.  Maybe, we can pop them into a different orbit (temporarily). There are many new data states that are possible.  

Just maybe a Quantum Computer running Quebits or Qbits can operate on an existing x64 computer that used a 3-dimensional computing program described above. Do you think Entanglement and Superposiiton can be fit into the mix?

I say that Optical Computers are not necessary to doing Quantum Computing.


2 Responses to Moving to 3D Computing

  1. Paul Ishak says:

    First off a computers bits/ bytes are not based on electrons but rather square wave ups and downs, highs and lows or inferred ones and zeros. The duration of a single one or zero while flowing as electricity is subject to the frequency of the cpus clock speed. The cpus clock speed is determined by the resonant frequency of a crystal, that crystal is actually the clock. Crystals have a unique property where when electricity is applied they oscillate. The clock frequency tells the computer how to interpret the square waves. Moving past the sheer scientific nature of 2 bit processing, you enter the simple idea that there are billions of lines of code, the cumulative work of millions of people over the last 100 or so years. even if the physics could be figured out this would plunge technology back about 100 years in the sense that it would take a very long time for special scientists to evolve an octal state base software development system into a viable non-phd role.

    • Merln says:

      Interesting assumption; octal state. Actually, it would be based on 32 or 64. Not necessarily tied to 64-bit processors.
      The new registers would be able to handle existing binary code precisely like our existing registers; so all the existing code would still work as intended. One way to think of it is to look at how we do Relational Data Bases; they are a stack of flat files that can be accessed up or down. Yes, you could argue that the “vector” is already being used, but the Vector is totally limited to the same size of the X and Y flat files and the number of stacked flat files. By Vector, I mean going out 100 miles virtually with many branches and subbranches. The concept would be to store like types of information in clusters together. Using Vectors, we can also take care of Entanglement and Super Positioning; multiple vectors can be sent out from any point and can be reconnected with from any other point.
      The Vector is totally additive, but gives us much more functionality; just like in algebra.
      Another way to look at this is by using neutral as the vector. 1s are 0/360 or positive, 0s are 180 or negative, 90 is neutral leaning negative and 270 is neutral leaning positive. That would extend things beyond Trinary to Quadrinary. When you wire a socket, there are two grounds that can be used; they are the two neutrals. When the square wave hits the median line coming from the top is neutral leaning negative and from the bottom is neutral leaning positive.
      Instead of flat files, we can use nested spheres going up and/or down and jumping to one or more other spheres.
      How we are going to use the two neutrals will have to be figured out, but we do not want to limit them to simple protocols.
      Other not well-known issues will be using the up and down and/or left or right spin of the electrons; that can be a phase change of the square waves on any vector we want, or we can use the 90 and 270 vectors. What are we going to do with 45, 135, 225, and 315?
      Last point, the square waves can be 3D (or 4,5,6). They can have different colors, shapes, and textures. They can even be nested flat, up, or down. Moving beyond binary gives us many more choices.
      What we have down with 1s and 0s is wonderful, but it is way too primitive.

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