Everyone knows that electricity is the prime energy; it is the final energy that we use other energies to generate and use. Electricity has one major disadvantage; it does not store well. Oh yes, we have batteries and capacitors, but these devices only store small amounts of electricity.
What is needed is a large capacity of electrical storage, like the water in a dam that is stored for generating hydro-electric current.
OK. It is done. I know how to build an Induction Container capable of storing up to 50 MegaWatts of electrical power. With 50 MegaWatts, a Tesla Electric car could go from Los Angeles to New York City and back ten times without recharging.
Yes, this device is small enough to fit inside a Tesla car without impacting the passenger space. Yes, this device is perfect for long-haul trucking, electric trains or electric-powered Yachts, ships, planes and, even, commercial airliners. This device empowers high RPM, high-torque electric motors for everything.
If you read elsewhere on this site, you will realize that I am using technologies that are NOT part of mainstream science. THEY do not even know the right questions to ask. Many of them will admit that we do not know everything and then, judge everything from their limited knowledge set. I do not have a PhD in anything as I did not have to un-learn so much. Read my New Physics pages; that is just a tip of the ice-burg.
Yes, I have an idea on how to build an electric powered jet engine.
If anyone knows anyone at Tesla Motors, be sure to share this with them.
Would you please produce a page discussing the Electric Powered Jet Engine?
I have a design approach that I can post, but I think
there are other inventors that are trying to come up with
an electrical jet engine. For now, I will wait and watch.
Okay. I love your inventions because I sound so efficient and convenient, and especially because they sound environmentally friendly.
The Induction Container will make wind and solar viable.
This is the ultamite mega capacity “battery.” This device
will provide electricity when there is no wind or its dark
(nighttime). Having said that, I am not a fan of either; too ugly
and, besides, I have better solutions for electrical power generation.
According to a website that calculates that distance between two separate cities, the distance between Los Angeles and New York would be 2,790 Miles. Multiply that be 20 and you get 55,800 Miles. Is that suit your calculations?
Not sure exactly, but a fully charged Tesla car will get 200 miles average (180-220) on a 85KW charge. One Megawatt is 1000 Kilowatts. 50,000KW/85KW = 588.24 charges. That times 200 miles is 117,647 miles; that is more than 20 times each way. Remember, some Tesla models are/will get 300 miles per charge. This is without using the much, more efficient Lead-Crystal Batteries with the Induction Container.
Of course, the best technology to use in an electric car or boat or truck or plane or train would be the no-moving parts generator with one or two lead-crystal batteries. If you were a vehicle firing a rail gun or a laser, you may want to add the Induction Container.
The absolute best use for the Induction Container would be to replace all of those “Peaker” Plants that the utility companies use to supplement power generation during peak loads. And yes, to make all of those solar and wind farms so people could get power when it is dark and the wind is not blowing.